

artificial intelligence

In order to realistically simulate busy city centre transport systems our environments are realistically populated by moving pedestrians, cyclists, cars, buses, lorries and trams. Their behaviour is controlled by embedded artificial intelligence software. When not interacting with the driver they interact with each other and move around the environment realistically, with pedestrians randomly changing their position and pose.

  • All entities avoid stationary and moving obstacles realistically
  • Avoid all other AI controlled entities
  • Obey the rules of the road, including UTC lights, junction phases and pedestrian crossing signals
  • Pedestrians wait at platforms and move towards the doors before boarding
  • Pedestrians sit down only on unoccupied seats in the vehicle and move to the doors before alighting
  • All entities maintain continuity when visible in line of sight, in vehicle mirrors, and also when completely out of view

When designing and creating scenarios for specific lessons these behaviours can be overridden to introduce random elements which safely train the driver on realistic and difficult unexpected events that cannot be trained in the real world.